Uninteresting reading activities, followed by lists of words to define or translate. Sometimes students having to do spelling tests.
Although these vocabulary activities can be productive, if done incorrectly, they aren't very exciting for students.
Most people have a competitive side to their personality. If you put your students into teams for any quiz or test then they will be likely to work together to try to beat other teams. Even a simple quiz becomes much more fun this way.
Don't use the same game all the time. Hangman and Hot Seat (where two students sit with their backs to the board, you write a word on the board, and the teams have to describe the word for the two students to guess) are popular with teachers because they are easy.
Try to find some different games to use to stop your students (and you!) becoming bored.
Then ask your students to change the words, one letter at a time, each time creating a new word. The object is to reach the second word with the least possible number of moves.
Obviously, this is best for higher-level classes but it can bring up some good new words.
You could stick words and definitions (or translations) around the room and have a race to see which individual, pair, or group can match the most pairs.
Or you could give the students the words and definitions and get them to find the person who matches with them. This is also a good technique to get students to work in different pairs.
You can also use pictures for this, getting students to look at the picture then describe it, or answer questions about it.
I then get students, in groups or pairs, to write a story using as many of the words as they can. Sometimes I award points for each word and turn it into a competition.
I have also had the students work in pairs, with one reading the story and one acting it out.
Vocabulary activities don't have to be boring. With a few new ideas and a little imagination, ESL vocabulary games can make your lessons much more lively and fun.
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